Sunday, February 13, 2011

Nintendo 3DS Unveiled

In very exciting news for the young and young at heart, Nintendo have unveiled their new 3DS gaming console.  While the release date is still months away – even in Japan – details are out and opinions are in.
In terms of its form factor, the Nintendo 3DS is very much like its predecessor, with the same clam-shell shape and built-in camera.  However, what is revolutionary about this device is its ability to provide 3D viewing without the need for special glasses or additional screens.  You can even take 3D photos with the on-board camera.
While 2010 was supposed to be the year of 3D, both consumer expectations and 3D media sales figures have dwindled in the last couple of months.  However, the small hand-held form of the 3DS and the ability for it to work without glasses seem well paired to the 3D vision.  Nintendo President Satoru Iwata has said “Nintendo has been thinking that hand-held devices have many more advantages when approaching 3-D games”, and it is hard to disagree.
The dual-screen operation is much the same, with a 3.53 inch upper display and a 3.02 inch lower display.  The upper screen displays the 3D images while the lower display acts as a touch screen as in previous models.  The 3D depth field can be adjusted through a 3D volume slider, and 2D games can also be played by turning off the 3D tuner all together.  WiFi will also be on-board, as will a new communication network for the exchange of game information with other 3DS consoles.
While this all sounds very appealing if you are a fan of the DS gaming console, its success is likely to come down to just how well developers and consumers take to this new 3D vision.  However, while the jury is still very much out regarding the success of 3D TV and computer systems, the smaller price tag and lack of glasses are likely to make the Nintendo 3DS a big hit.
Nintendo have announced some of the game titles for the upcoming 3DS release, including Nintendo’s popular Mario series – no surprises there, Capcom’s “Biohazard”, and Konami’s “Metal Gear Solid”.  The Japanese release date has been penned in for February 26, 2011, with US, European, and worldwide destinations to follow.

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